Similar words: length, lengthy, at length, lengthways, strength, strengthen, arms, seeing that. Meaning: n. a distance sufficient to exclude intimacy.
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31. She turns from the window, paws through a stack on the floor, and produces an International Herald Tribune, holding it at arm's length like a day-old fish.
32. We are in a haze, the grave at only an arm's length.
33. Contemporaneous Documents: Contemporaneous documents are used to record the existing transfer pricing policy and can also be sued to determine whether it complies with the arm's length principle.
34. I find a spiritual strength in keeping technology at arm's length.
35. There's no need to be jealous. I'll keep him at arm's length.
36. He came down holding the hive at arm's length, behind which trailed a cloud of bees.
36. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37. Contacts conducted at arm's length for five years should suddenly turn into such an ostentatious embrace.
38. And a book at arm's length is now much closer.
39. If exceeded, it should consider how to invoke the arm's length exception (Point 2 above) by justifying the arm's length nature of the inter-company borrowings.
40. The final price will be a fair one, calculated at arm's length.
41. He's a troublemaker, you should keep him at arm's length.
42. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.
43. Prominent features of it -including an arm's length relationship with government and peer review as a method of adjudication for awarding funds-have served as a model for other national arts councils.
44. If the transfer pricing is believed violate the arm's length principle, the authority has the right to adjust the price.
45. For West Asians, being kept "at arm's length" signals unfriendliness .
46. The Arm's length principle is not an effective method of regulating thin capitalization.
47. However, the 5% penalty tax may be waived if the enterprise has prepared contemporaneous documentation to substantiate that the arm's length nature of the inter-company borrowings.
48. Confucius advised that the state should keep religion at arm's length.
49. In other words, they like to keep each other " arm's length. "
50. Using an earpiece, callers hold the phones at arm's length to maintain visual contact.
51. The thesis compared and analyzed the two main kinds of thin capitalization rules in some developed countries, which are "Arm's Length Principle" and "Fixed Ratio Approach".
52. They no longer trust her and are keeping her at arm's length.
53. Her mother too had always been a little disinterested in her, holding her at arm's length.
More similar words: length, lengthy, at length, lengthways, strength, strengthen, arms, seeing that, arms race, with open arms, living thing, slender, challenge, challenged, terms, in terms, in terms of, slew, isle, come to terms with, owing to, hassle, sleek, aisle, sleep, belong to, longtime, long-term, sleeve, sleazy.